“After this I beheld, and lo! A great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and tongue, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. ” (Rev 7:9)
An Asian American Christian (AAAC) exists exactly as it sounds: one ordinary, Asian American Christian learning more about his ethnic identity, family history, and cultural baggage in order to be a better human and a fuller, more mature Christian.
Maybe you’re Asian American. Maybe you’re not.
Following Jesus means embracing yourself in the way that God does and only God can—fully known and fully loved. The Christian life is full of failure, disappointment, and doubt. Life is lived out one day at a time. And yet, God sees something in each of us that he wants to redeem. Jesus walks alongside us. AAAC explores how this can be.
Revelation 7:9 shows us that God is never monopolized by any one group, culture, tribe, or people. God gave us different identities for a reason.
If you’ve ever wondered:
- What Christianity through Asian American culture looks like
- If your daily life is “Christian” enough
- How to better appreciate your roots and historical context
- Or… simply wonder why following Jesus is so hard sometimes
Then, you are not alone! Hopefully there is something here for you to encourage you or prompt you. AAAC offers stories and reflections on personal experiences in the midst of walking the rocky terrain of Asian American and Christian identity.