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Category: #article

Asian Americans and the Trap of Frugality

A Christian mentor of mine once gently told me, “you know, I don’t think frugality is going to be a very high value in the kingdom of God.” I was shocked. As the son of two Christian, immigrant parents, being thrifty and saving money had always been the highest virtue. Price and value were always at the top of our considerations. From groceries, to clothes, to vacations… you name it, I was used to saving wherever we could. On top of all that, Jesus taught that the love of money is the root of all evil. So as Christians, I…

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How to Better Understand and Deal With Anxiety

What Is Anxiety? Adam Young, a licensed clinical social worker and author of the podcast, The Place We Find Ourselves, describes anxiety as the experience we feel when our bodies has a deep reservoir of “unfelt emotions.” Anxiety is often linked to experiences in the past where we’ve disallowed ourselves to feel and experience certain emotions such as grief, sadness, or anger. Because we’ve pushed those important emotions beneath the surface, anxiety is the feeling of not allowing ourselves to experience those core emotions. Apple PodcastsSpotify Anxiety is not the same as fear. Fear is the emotional response we feel…


Should Christians Care About Climate Change?

Climate change is happening. It’s not so much a question of “if,” but rather a question of “how much” and “when.” The American church is unfortunately very polarized when it comes to the issue. In the United States, Democratic and liberal-leaning Christians tend to more strongly emphasize science and what we can do to create change. Conversely, Republican and conservative-leaning Christians tend to more strongly distrust scientists and seek to keep the sanctity of church values about anything else. However, both sides should be able to find room to agree—climate change is real and it is happening. The question is,…

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Does God Want Us To Have Money?

Jesus talks about money and wealth perhaps more than any other topic in the New Testament. Check out some of his most scathing statements when it comes to worshipping wealth over God. Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13: “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 19:24: “And again I say to you: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter…

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What Does It Mean for Two to Become One in Marriage?

After a year of becoming married, I’ve gained newfound appreciation for the bible phrase, “and the two shall become one.” It’s an idea that shows up in Genesis, the gospels, and also Ephesians when Paul is talking about marriage. I mean, I’ve always heard of the phrase. Theoretically I was on board—otherwise I wouldn’t have stood up there at the altar and said “I do” when I married my wife. But I also didn’t know just how hard, or rewarding, it would actually be. Change is slow, and we also didn’t hear about the daily realities of marriage prior to…

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The Idol of Productivity

What Is An Idol? Productivity is an idol. In the biblical sense, an idol is something that people worship or center their lives around other than God. In America, we have many idols: individualism, wealth, work (to name a few). We look up to those values. We strive for them. We can orient our whole lives around these ideals. In the pop culture sense, idols are people that we look up to or associate with success. There is an entire reality TV show named “American Idol” where singers compete for stardom. “Roger Federer or Serena Williams is my tennis idol,”…

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Why Did I Commit To This Church?

Why should you commit to a church? What’s the point in staying? What do you do when you are unhappy or unsatisfied with the church community you are a part of, or there are real problems that have become evident? Laura and I were chatting about this the other day and realized that this is a topic deeply important for a lot of us Asian American Christians. There is a lot of pain, frustration, and sometimes angst around finding and committing to a church. A lot of us might have experienced difficulties growing up in an immigrant Chinese or Korean…

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How to Go On a Prayer Walk

If you’ve ever been invited to go on a “prayer walk,” you’ll probably resonate with that slight feeling of hesitation. Maybe it’s feeling apprehensive about doing something you’re not used to doing. Or maybe you’re afraid it’ll be an awkward experience. Or maybe you just don’t know what a prayer walk is exactly. For whatever reason, the term “prayer walk” feels a little uncomfortable for most of us, and I wanted to share a few thoughts from my own experience of it last night with my church small group. What Is a Prayer Walk? I’ve concluded from my two times…

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Zoom Is Killing My Attention Span at Work

Zoom has really killed my attention span at work this past year. That plus working remotely has been the one-two punch that has diminished my ability to focus to an all-time low. But should I really be surprised? I mean, even the name itself suggests speediness in moving from one thing to the next. How has this sort of virtual connection been shaping the way I see myself, others, and especially God in the context of my work? A Shortened Attention Span All I want to do when I’m on a Zoom meeting is to zoom off of it. I…

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Lessons Learned as a Newlywed

Marriage can be hard, but it’s also a learning journey—one that I am happy to be on! I am super honored that Tim and Olive Chan let me guest post on their blog: “What We Are Learning in Our 0th Year of Marriage,” a reflection on some of the lessons Eve and I have been learning together as a newlywed couple. These were the four lessons learned as newlyweds in our “0th” year (a little more than three months at the time of this writing!): Learning to love someone in the way they want to be loved Making sex a…

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