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Category: #reflection

Asian Americans and the Trap of Frugality

A Christian mentor of mine once gently told me, “you know, I don’t think frugality is going to be a very high value in the kingdom of God.” I was shocked. As the son of two Christian, immigrant parents, being thrifty and saving money had always been the highest virtue. Price and value were always at the top of our considerations. From groceries, to clothes, to vacations… you name it, I was used to saving wherever we could. On top of all that, Jesus taught that the love of money is the root of all evil. So as Christians, I…

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Why Did I Commit To This Church?

Why should you commit to a church? What’s the point in staying? What do you do when you are unhappy or unsatisfied with the church community you are a part of, or there are real problems that have become evident? Laura and I were chatting about this the other day and realized that this is a topic deeply important for a lot of us Asian American Christians. There is a lot of pain, frustration, and sometimes angst around finding and committing to a church. A lot of us might have experienced difficulties growing up in an immigrant Chinese or Korean…

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How to Go On a Prayer Walk

If you’ve ever been invited to go on a “prayer walk,” you’ll probably resonate with that slight feeling of hesitation. Maybe it’s feeling apprehensive about doing something you’re not used to doing. Or maybe you’re afraid it’ll be an awkward experience. Or maybe you just don’t know what a prayer walk is exactly. For whatever reason, the term “prayer walk” feels a little uncomfortable for most of us, and I wanted to share a few thoughts from my own experience of it last night with my church small group. What Is a Prayer Walk? I’ve concluded from my two times…

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Newlywed Diary Part III: The “Secret” to a Good Marriage

I don’t actually have the secret to a good marriage. For someone who has only been married for 4 months, I’ve only just begun to figure this mystery out. I’ve been asked, “how’s marriage?” enough times that I usually come up with a different answer each time. But there is one “secret” that I’ve learned recently that I think will be consistent lesson to apply to marriage, work, and life. That observation is: change is slow, but change also compounds. I first noticed this when I was trying to describe how I’ve been feeling to my friends who would ask…

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Zoom Is Killing My Attention Span at Work

Zoom has really killed my attention span at work this past year. That plus working remotely has been the one-two punch that has diminished my ability to focus to an all-time low. But should I really be surprised? I mean, even the name itself suggests speediness in moving from one thing to the next. How has this sort of virtual connection been shaping the way I see myself, others, and especially God in the context of my work? A Shortened Attention Span All I want to do when I’m on a Zoom meeting is to zoom off of it. I…

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How Do I Discern God’s Will for My Life?

If I had a nickel for every time that I thought this, I would be rich. There have been many situations where I wonder what the balance between my desires and God’s desires should be. “If only I knew God’s will for me, everything would be so much easier,” I’m tempted to think. However, the more I work through this idea, the more I realize that “trying to discern God’s will” is maybe not the right way to approach the problem. The Problem with “God’s Will” I think we all run into tricky business when we suppose to know the…

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God, Why Are You Making Me Wait?

A reflective narrative. “God, why are you making me wait? There are many areas of my life where I am waiting for God to move. I am very much tired of waiting. Sometimes moments come where I am reassured of God’s promises for me, but I do not always feel it. Holding onto God’s truths is hard. However, as I lean into God’s word, my strength is renewed. There is a feeling of solidarity when I witness the testimonies of those in the Bible who have also been in-waiting. Jeremiah Jeremiah 29:10-14 (ESV) For thus says the Lord: When seventy…

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Why Do Asian Parents Always Like to Give Food?

Whether you are like me, a second generation Asian American with immigrant parents, part of an Asian household, dating someone with Asian parents, or even just friends with someone with Asian parents, it is inevitable that you will come across the undisputed fact: for many Asians, food is the primary love language. The practice of gifting food, bringing food as a guest, and cooking food is super important to many Asian cultures. Asian parents love to ask about whether you’ve eaten, overfeed you at meals (with sliced fruit before or after meals), and give you food to take home as…

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Newlywed Diary Part II: Enneagram Type 9

“Newlywed Diary” posts are going to be Andrew’s personal reflections on married life, descriptions of what it’s like to be a newlywed, and anything else random he may be thinking and learning about at the moment. This diary entry’s focus is all about the Enneagram and how it has helped me better understand myself in the context of marriage—give me a shout out if you are a fellow type 9! If you are curious about finding out your Enneagram type, you can take the free test here. The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective? So what IS the Enneagram? The Enneagram is…

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Newlywed Diary Part I: Managing Energy

“Newlywed Diary” posts are going to be Andrew’s personal reflections on married life, descriptions of what it’s like to be a newlywed, and anything else random he may be thinking and learning about at the moment. Anyone who knows me in real life should know that I journal. A lot. I got roasted for this at my wedding, but rather than be embarrassed, I decided to embrace it. Apparently it’s been part of my identity for a long while. If you’re new here to AAAC, I’m pretty excited about starting this new joint blog with my cousin Laura. I even…

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