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Month: June 2021

Why Do Asian Parents Always Like to Give Food?

Whether you are like me, a second generation Asian American with immigrant parents, part of an Asian household, dating someone with Asian parents, or even just friends with someone with Asian parents, it is inevitable that you will come across the undisputed fact: for many Asians, food is the primary love language. The practice of gifting food, bringing food as a guest, and cooking food is super important to many Asian cultures. Asian parents love to ask about whether you’ve eaten, overfeed you at meals (with sliced fruit before or after meals), and give you food to take home as…

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Newlywed Diary Part II: Enneagram Type 9

“Newlywed Diary” posts are going to be Andrew’s personal reflections on married life, descriptions of what it’s like to be a newlywed, and anything else random he may be thinking and learning about at the moment. This diary entry’s focus is all about the Enneagram and how it has helped me better understand myself in the context of marriage—give me a shout out if you are a fellow type 9! If you are curious about finding out your Enneagram type, you can take the free test here. The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective? So what IS the Enneagram? The Enneagram is…

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Newlywed Diary Part I: Managing Energy

“Newlywed Diary” posts are going to be Andrew’s personal reflections on married life, descriptions of what it’s like to be a newlywed, and anything else random he may be thinking and learning about at the moment. Anyone who knows me in real life should know that I journal. A lot. I got roasted for this at my wedding, but rather than be embarrassed, I decided to embrace it. Apparently it’s been part of my identity for a long while. If you’re new here to AAAC, I’m pretty excited about starting this new joint blog with my cousin Laura. I even…

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What is Juneteenth Day?

As of this past Thursday (June 17th, 2021) when President Biden signed it into law, Juneteenth Day is our newest federal holiday. Woah, really? If you’re on the back foot of current events like I am, this can come across as quite a surprise. Just to provide some context, here’s the current list of US federal holidays and when they were established: New Year’s Day (January 1st)—established 1870 Inauguration Day (January 20th)—established 1957 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (third Monday of January)—established 1983 President’s Day (third Monday in February)—established 1879 Memorial Day (last Monday in May)—established 1888 Juneteenth National Independence…

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Manage Your Energy (Erwin McManus)

Erwin McManus from Mosaic church in LA has been preaching a series on self mastery. Many Christians have a misconception that self mastery is the opposite of “putting your faith in Jesus” or “fully trusting God” with your life. McManus offers that alongside that there is also a way God made us to be the product of our own choices and to take ownership over our life choices. What is self mastery? It’s recognizing that we were created to have agency in reaching the fullest potential of who God created us to be. Being a person of self mastery means…

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3 Things the Church Never Taught You About Sex

The church doesn’t talk about sex enough. And by talk about sex, I mean really talk about sex—not just warn young people against premarital sex, quote randoms bits of Scripture from 1 Corinthians, or talk about “God’s design” for procreation and marriage. I mean, get into the nitty gritty of what Christian sex lives actually look like, what newly married couples can expect attempting intercourse for the first time, and how sexual desire should fit into the lives of married people post wedding-day. It seems like in an effort to denounce fornication and adultery, the church has spent so much…


How to Recognize a Vision from God (“Different, Harder, Longer, Better”)

John Mark Comer from Bridgetown Church has a sermon entitled: “Different, Harder, Longer, Better” talking about dreams and visions from God, what role God plays in our dreams, and what to expect when we think we have a dream from God. He shares about four aspects to a dream or vision from God: different, harder, longer, better, and how we can see each of those characteristics exemplified in the story of Joseph’s dream beginning in Genesis 37. Four Characteristics to a Dream From God Different. Joseph’s dream about his brothers bowing down to him fails to include Egypt, Pharaoh, years…

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We Are Launching!!!

If you are here, we want to hear from you! You absolutely matter. The fun thing about starting small and organic is that any comment, question, or suggestion will get our undivided attention. The title of this blog is “An Asian American Christian.” So tell us: are you Asian American, Christian, neither, or both? This project started on Memorial Day in 2021 when Andrew and Laura decided to meet up for a coffee at Peet’s. They’ve had consistently encouraging conversation the past couple of years and always seem to talk about how God has been showing up in their lives.…